Atena Juszko, ELT Editor | Writer | Project Manager

How to find freelance ELT publishing jobs on LinkedIn

Have you ever tried searching for an ELT writing or editing job on LinkedIn? Did you manage to find anything?

When most people search for jobs on LinkedIn, they go to the Jobs tab, which is only natural, right?

But in the case of freelancers, especially ones in our industry, there aren’t that many jobs posted there.

So, where do ELT publishers and commissioning editors post that they’re looking for freelancers?

Most of them do it on their personal profiles! And unless you’re friends with them, you won’t see these jobs. This is also why these posts don’t come up in your search results when you look for freelance opportunities under the Jobs tab.

Here’s how you can find job postings for freelance ELT publishing professionals on LinkedIn:

Go to the search box and write the kind of job you’re looking for (e.g. ‘ELT editor’ or ‘ELT writer’) and hit Enter. You’ll see something like this:

LinkedIin jobs search ELT publishing writer editor

This is where you might feel tempted to filter results by selecting Jobs, but what you need to select is Content.

LinkedIn jobs ELT publishng author editor
This will show you all mentions of ‘ELT editor’ on people’s personal profiles.

Here are some of the results that I got:

LinedIn jobs publishing freelance writer editor


LinkedIn freelance elt publishing jobs writer editor

LinkedIn jobs freelance elt writer editor

And a post that I re-shared myself:

ELT jobs Linked in editor writer Juszko Atena
There are also posts for permanent, in-house roles, but even if you’re not interested in something like this, you can still connect with the people advertising these kinds of jobs to inquire if there are any freelance opportunities. Here are some of the posts that popped up in my search:

LinkedIn freelance jobs elt writer editor publishing

How to find freelance job LinkedIn editor writer elt publishing
How to find freelance job LinkedIn editor writer elt publishing

Good luck in your job search!

2 thoughts on “How to find freelance ELT publishing jobs on LinkedIn”

  1. Pingback: Materials writing news and views, May 2019 | ELT Planning

  2. Pingback: How to make your LinkedIn profile POP! – Atena Juszko, ELT Editor | Writer | Project Manager

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