
How to disable competitors on your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn has this odd feature called ‘People Also Viewed.’ These people are selected based on common key words used in profiles, connections, skills, endorsements, past jobs, etc., so essentially, they’re

How to find freelance ELT publishing jobs on LinkedIn
Have you ever tried searching for an ELT writing or editing job on LinkedIn? Did you manage to find anything? When most people search for jobs on LinkedIn, they go

Board Game: Vancouver
This is the first board game that I've ever created, so I'm really excited to be able to share this with you. I designed it using Canva, one of my

Speaking Exam Practice Tests (Matura)
These are two exam papers that should help students prepare for the Polish oral matura exam (the exam that students take at the end of their secondary education). Even though

Spring Flashcards
This is a set of 20 spring flashcards with labels. Two flashcards per one A4 page. The set includes the following vocabulary items: daffodil, duckling, bee, butterfly, bird, ladybug, Easter

How to get noticed by an ELT publisher (infographic)
Here's an infographic summarizing my advice on ways to get noticed by an ELT publisher (for aspiring writers).

Sentence Transformations B1 (Egzamin Ósmoklasisty: parafraza zdań)
This is the second in a series of photocopiable resources specially written for students taking the Grade 8 exam in Poland (Egzamin Ósmoklasisty). This time, the focus is on key

9 ways to get noticed by an ELT publisher
A few weeks ago, an English teacher reached out to me on LinkedIn asking for writing work. I didn’t know this person, so I checked their profile, but it was

Reflecting on 2018 – promoting a growth mindset
I’ve spent a good part of 2018 learning about fostering a growth mindset in my children, and also in the ELT classroom. I’ve been thinking of ways I could design